6.4 Get Locking Key

The getLockingKeyFor:keyGenerationPolicy:groupId:success:failure function of BayunCore class returns locking key along with the keys for signature generation and signature verification for an encryption policy.

The function takes the following parameters :

  • encryptionPolicy : BayunEncryptionPolicy determines the key to be used to generate the lockingKey.

  • keyGenerationPolicy : BayunKeyGenerationPolicy determine the policy to be used to generate the lockingKey.

  • groupId: GroupId is required if encryptionPolicy is BayunEncryptionPolicyGroup. If encryption-policy is other than BayunEncryptionPolicyGroup then groupId should be empty string.

 BayunEncryptionPolicy encryptionPolicy = BayunEncryptionPolicyCompany;
 BayunKeyGenerationPolicy keyGenerationPolicy = BayunKeyGenerationPolicyStatic;
 [[BayunCore sharedInstance] getLockingKeyFor:encryptionPolicy keyGenerationPolicy:keyGenerationPolicy groupId:nil success:^(LockingKeys *lockingKeyInfo) {
   NSString *key = lockingKeyInfo.key;      
 } failure:^(BayunError error) {
   NSLog(@"Error in Key Generation.");            

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